Thursday, October 10, 2013

Have You Heard of Kickstarter?

I saw a segment about Kickstarter on 60 Minutes a couple of years ago. They have created a place where patrons of the arts can find artists to help out. It has taken me this long to decide to give it a try. Marketing is expensive, not to mention editing, paying for a cover, and the other stuff that comes with creating a book. I thoroughly researched Kickstarter, and they seem to be legit.

There have always been people out there who want to support the arts. Usually they do it at fancy dinners, art galleries, etc.  Well, now they can go through Kickstarter. If you haven't been to the site, you should check it out. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of interesting projects.  It isn't just about books.

You can check out my project here:

If you list a project, you have to put up some rewards. I chose to give away autographed copies of the finished book to anyone who donates at least $50. Why so high? Well, you have to factor in a few things. Kickstarter and Amazon (you have to go through them to get the money) both take a small cut. Then I have to buy the books myself, have them shipped to me so I can sign them, and then I have to pay for shipping a second time to get them into the hands of my kind benefactor. Keep in mind I am doing this to make enough to pay for some expensive marketing.

Yes, you do have to tell them what you are going to use the money for, and you have to list the lowest amount you are going to need to do what you want to do.  If you do not make that much, you don't get anything. It's a little bit like gambling. So I added up the things that I want to do, plus the cost of paying off the rewards, and came up with the number I needed.

I will let you all know how this works out, if it works out.
There are a few interesting stories from writers who have tried this, some stories of success that you can look up if you want.

1 comment:

Goldie @ My Book Musings said...

I think people have mixed feelings about Kickstarter, but for me, I'm fascinated by it. I once featured and interviewed S.C. Barrus whose work, Discovering Aberration, was funded through Kickstarter. I hope you'll be successful too :) Goodluck!