![The Demon's Lexicon](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51aOXDgH7ML._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg)
Cover: The original cover looked kind of dorky. The guy playing the part of Nick reminded me too much of Clark Kent from Smallville. This cover is much better, although Nick still doesn't look as intimidating as he actually is in the story.
Review: I have to admit the only reason I read this book is that I got it for two dollars at my local bookstore, used. But I am so glad I took the chance on it. First of all, a YA book from the male perspective is refreshing. We are told the story through the eyes of Nick, a sarcastic yet charming boy with a fondness for swords. In fact this book had me from the first sentence, something about the sink leaking and that was a tragedy because Nick kept his favorite sword there.
This is a story of two brothers, Alan and Nick. Alan is the older, sympathetic, deep thinker while Nick is the witty, sarcastic, dangerous one. They are being followed by magicians and demons because their mother stole a charm and someone wants it back. So the brothers and their insane mother move from town to town, never truly fitting in. This book has one INCREDIBLE shocker of a secret at the end. Even if the writing wasn't good, the characters weren't charming, and the surprises didn't keep coming, I would still tell you to read it for the ending alone.
I give it an A because I will read it again in the future, probably more than once.
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