Friday, March 9, 2012

Favorite Season for Writing

This week at the YA Indie Carnival we are talking about our favorite season to write in, if we have one.  As always you can go below and click on the other Carnis to read their posts.  And I would love to read your comments.  Do you excel in writing during a certain season?

Here is my answer:

Personally, I love winter.  A lot of people think I'm nuts, but it will make sense to you in a minute.  During the winter I sleep in, snuggled up under a warm blanket.  Then when I get up to write, I have a cup of hot cocoa.  Sometimes I stay in my pajamas for a while, sit in front of the computer, and allow my mind to drift to another world.  Plus, if there is snow outside, I know I won't have any unexpected visitors.  I can write for hours.  Usually I'll enjoy an afternoon nap on a cold day before getting up to write again.  :)

Laura A. H. Elliott author of Winnemucca & 13 on Halloween, Book 1 in the Teen Halloween Series2.Bryna Butler, author Midnight Guardian series
3.Heather Self4.T. R. Graves, Author of The Warrior Series
5.Suzy Turner, author of The Raven Saga6.Cheri Schmidt, author of the Fateful Trilogy
7.Rachel Coles, author of Into The Ruins, geek mom blog 8.K. C. Blake, author of Vampires Rule and Crushed
9.Patti Larsen, The Hunted series and The Hayle Coven series10.Amy Maurer Jones, Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy
11.Dani Snell's Refracted Light Reviews 12.Fisher Amelie, author of The Understorey
13.M. Leighton, Blood Like Poison Series, Madly, The Reaping 14.Kimberly Kinrade, Bits of You & Pieces of Me, Forbidden Mind
15.Madeline Smoot, Missing, Summer Shorts, and The Girls16.Cidney Swanson, author of Rippler
17.Gwenn Wright, author of Filter18.TG Ayer
19.Melissa Pearl, Author of The Time Spirit Trilogy20.Heather M. White, author of The Destiny Saga
21.Roots in Myth, PJ Hoover22.Courtney Cole Writes

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