Friday, August 31, 2018

Big Brother: What's Wrong with These People?

I have watched Big Brother from the first season, and it's changed dramatically. During that first year it was on almost every night, and there were no competitions. It was kind of boring, but I enjoyed watching because they were like my roommates. Some of them got on my nerves... a lot. Back then we got to pick the people we wanted out and vote against them. But thanks to Chicken George's network--his hometown got together to vote again and again against Brittany--that right was taken away from us. 

This year, BB20, has been hilarious. Two alliances formed quickly: Level 6 and the Hive. Level 6 have been good so far at sticking together, making decisions as a group, and not getting paranoid. The Hive constantly turned on each other. They were in power more often than L6, but they sent their own people home. It was so funny to watch their faces (especially Rockstar and Fess) cause they had no clue what was going on. Every week the Hive boasted that they were getting out the person they wanted, and every week they were stunned to find the votes all lining up against them. There are people flipping their votes and lying about it. 

The funniest moment was when Rockstar gave Tyler (from L6) the answer during a Veto competition. He's on the other side!!! She gave him the answer because she saw his answer and thought she was wrong. So she asked. He ran back and got the right answer. So it was her fault he won, and then she expected him to use the Veto to save her. As if. 

Tyler is my favorite player. I like him because he keeps his mouth shut. He won an advantage in the game and kept his mouth shut while the others who won something told people. Of course those people told someone else and they told someone and so on and so on. Then they wondered why the whole house knew about their business. He has Final 2s with several people, so I don't see them voting him out even if someone puts him on the block. Problem is, these people could wake up and start talking to each other. Then he's gone.

Really I don't think they should be mad that he has so many Final 2 deals. He doesn't go around asking people to join him in a deal. They ask him. What is he going to say? "I'm sorry, but I already have an F2 deal with that person." Yeah, right.

I also like Haleigh, but she used flirtation as game play. Then she aligned herself with clueless people. I think she and Tyler would have made a formidable team. She seemed to be the only smart one on that side of the house. After all, she was the first to see Tyler as a threat and put him on the block. Fortunately for him, it didn't work out for her. 

There are some strange characters in the house. Sam had to spend the first part of her game as a computer. That was weird. She walks around mad all the time, snapping at people, and she acts like she has a screw loose. But that could just be how she's playing the game.

JC is another strange character. He flips his vote all the time, tries to make people mad at each other, and he fancies himself a puppet master. He thinks he is controlling Tyler. Can't wait for Level 6 to send him packing. 

Anyway, I prefer the Big Brother now to the one in the beginning. We have HOH competitions, Power of Veto, and the strategy of backdooring a person. I do wonder where BB finds these people. Do they give them a psych test first? Sometimes I worry about some people in the house. This show answers the question: What would you do for half a million dollars?

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